
Interior Design Green Building Assessment Tool

Current rating tool: Green Star - Interiors v1.2; Green Star - Interiors v1.3

Both rating tools are currently open for registration. Interiors that are subject to development approval under the Section J NCC 2019 must register or upgrade fully to Green Star - Interiors v1.3. Where interiors are subject to development approval under the Section J NCC 2016, registration is still eligible for Green Star - Interiors v1.2.

Please note registrations for Green Star - Interiors v1.2 will be closed for registrations from end of September 2020 onward and all projects will have to use Green Star - Interiors v1.3.

Categories and credits


Aims to encourage and reward the adoption of practices and processes that support best practice sustainability outcomes throughout the different phases of a project's design, construction and ongoing operation.

Indoor environment quality (IEQ)

Aims to encourage and reward initiatives that enhance the comfort and wellbeing of occupants. The credits within this category address issues such as air quality, thermal comfort and acoustic comfort.


Aims to reward projects that are designed and constructed to reduce overall greenhouse emissions from operations by addressing energy demand reduction, use efficiency and generation from alternative sources.


Aims to reward projects that facilitate a reduction on the dependency of private car use as an important means of reducing overall greenhouse gas emissions, as well as to encourage the provision of alternative forms of transportation.


Aims to encourage and reward initiatives that reduce the consumption of potable water through measures such as the incorporation of water efficient fixtures and building systems and water re-use.


Aims to address the consumption of resources for the project, by encouraging the selection of low-impact materials.

Land use and ecology

Aims to reward projects that minimise harm and enhance the quality of local ecologies.


Aims to assess the environmental impacts of 'point source' pollution generated by projects and reduce their effects on the atmosphere, watercourse and native animals.


Aims to recognise the implementation of innovative practices, processes and strategies that promote sustainability in the built environment.

Previous versions

For all projects registered under a previous version of Green Star – Interiors,  search the Green Star Resources page to download all supporting resources required to complete your submission (a general overview of resources is provided on the Resources and Roles section of our website).

Green Star – Interiors

Release date

Version 1.2 03/07/2017
Version 1.1 03/12/2015
Version 1.0 19/12/2014
Version PILOT 15/10/2012

While the rating tool will be updated from time to time, project teams are only subject to the Submission Guidelines for the rating tool that their project is registered under, or if the project team chooses, a later version. Project teams are not subject to clarifications or amendments made as part of a revision unless registered for that rating tool version.

Upgrading to the current version of the Green Star rating tool

If a project is registered under a previous version of the Green Star – Interiors rating tool, the Applicant may formally update the version of the rating tool (for example, move from Version 1.0 to Version 1.2). For additional details on this process, please contact the Market Engagement team.

For more technical resources to support your submission for assessment visit the roles and resources overview page and the Green Star Resources portal.

Go to the Green Star Resources portal

Interior Design Green Building Assessment Tool


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